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BridgePort Brownfields Redevelopment
Perth Amboy, NJ
2021 Award of Excellence for Best Engineering Site Design

SESI provided remedial investigation support, remedial design services for the remedial action workplan, and is currently providing LSRP oversight of the remedial action for this 100+ acre Brownfield Redevelopment Project that is impacted primarily by a historic discharge of metal smelting slag and other industrial activities. SESI has also provided geotechnical investigation and design services for the proposed construction of three warehouse buildings and ancillary parking and roadways and is currently providing oversight of the design implementation.
Remedial Investigation Support
SESI supported the remedial investigation (RI conducted by others) by conducting an investigation/delineation of the free-phase DNAPL plume associated with historic creosote operations. SESI also conducted a supplemental investigation of site impacts to an adjacent creek to address NJDEP comments to the Remedial Investigation Report.
Remedial Design
SESI designed the remedial action involving the closure of 9 USTs and sanitary tanks, recovery of approx. 30,000 gallons of free-phase DNAPL, excavation and encapsulation of 23,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil/slag, and treatment of groundwater via permeable reactive barrier (PRB). PRB design involved treatability studies to determine the feasibility of PRB technology and identify appropriate reactive media for site conditions. To incorporate green remediation into the project, SESI designed the DNAPL recovery system to operate via solar power. Additionally, SESI obtained regulatory permission to use recycled material (concrete aggregate, asphalt millings, soil contaminated below site-specific cleanup criteria, and processed dredge material) as imported fill on-site.
Foundation Design/Ground Improvement Program
SESI conducted a geotechnical investigation on the extremely geologically complex site and designed a ground improvement program to enable the buildings to be constructed on shallow foundations. The pre-loading/surcharge program involved the installation of over 6,000 wick drains to assist in the consolidation of over 30 feet of soft organic clay.
Public Funding
SESI coordinated with the client, project team, and regulators from the NJDEP and NJEIT for approval of project documents and over $38 million in state-funded project financing.
Remedial Action
Currently in progress. Remedial Action work includes design, implementation, and oversight of various investigations and remedial actions. These include an over 1-mile long groundwater containment system and associated features; delineation and remediation of heavy metals, PCB’s, creosote, LNAPL, battery casings, slag, etc.; tank closures; approvals and coordination with the NJDEP and USEPA; clean and alternative fill testing; concrete testing; financial oversight; development of the Remedial Action Report and Remedial Action Outcome, etc. Geotechnical work includes design, implementation, and oversight of investigations, ground improvements related to dynamic compaction, wick drains and surcharge, friction piles, and controlled compacted fills.
SESI was awarded Best Engineering Site Design from the Metropolitan Builders and Contractors Association of NJ for our work on Brownfields Redevelopment. Read about the award in the Metropolitan Builders and Contractors Association of NJ news release.