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SESI Engineer Now Also A New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professional
April 17, 2020

SESI is proud to announce that Fuad Dahan, PhD, PE Senior Project Engineer at SESI has been accepted by the State of New Jersey as a Licensed Site Remediation Professional, by virtue of his experience and having passed the LSRP examination.
Dr. Dahan has managed the design of vapor intrusion systems for buildings constructed on reclaimed contaminated sites as well as developed Remedial Action Work Plans (RAWP) and feasibility studies (FS). He is experienced with environmental aspects of land development including the installation of soil vapor extraction systems, vapor barriers, and innovative remediation design. Prior to SESI, he has served as Project Manager for industrial wastewater compliance projects and as Senior Project Remediation Engineer responsible for remedial design of RCRA sites. Mr. Dahan also holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering Environmental and Hydraulic Engineering, an MS in Chemical Engineering with a concentration in Environmental Engineering and a Masters in Business Administration.
"We congratulate Fuad and are very proud to have him as an NJ LSRP on the SESI team.", said Steven P. Byszewski, PE, PP President of SESI.